Are you ready for Camp NaNoWriMo? I just got back from a month of traveling and now today is the first day of Camp NaNoWriMo and I’m feeling jet legged!
I had a book festival four hours away at the beginning of March, followed by a lovely vacation to southern Germany which we just got back from last Wednesday. Then 24 hours after we arrived my husband and I hopped in a car and road tripped with his cousins to Missouri for his grandma’s 90th birthday.
We got back late last night and now begins the month of trying to reach my 50k word count goal! I’ve never written that many words in one month, so I’ve been researching tips and tricks to help me reach my goal.
Before I begin to write, I like to map out my goals and put all my writing steps and tips in one place. So let’s do that now!
My Camp NaNoWriMo April 2019 Goals:
- Reach 50,000 words by end of day Tuesday April 30, 2019.
- Have 75-80% of the Tompkin’s School Book 3 story complete.
- Fixed all previous suggestions on the book from my Writer’s Support Group.
Writing Steps:
- Starting Word Count: 12,217
- Starting point: I’m starting in Chapter 4 of this story as I’ve already written the other few chapters.
- Daily Word Goal: 1,260
Camp NaNoWriMo Writing Tips:
- Designate specific time for writing. This is something I’ve kind of done in the past, but recently it’s been difficult to honor this time. For April I’ll definitely be stricter about keeping my writing time strictly for writing. Which means turning off my phone!
- Complete word sprints. This means no rereading, no editing, just pure writing and getting those words from my brain onto the page. I haven’t explicitly done this because I usually go back and fix things as I go. I’ll have to avoid this for April if I want to meet my goals!
- I’ve also been sorted into a cabin on so I’ll be checking in with my cabin mates for advice and encouragement as the month goes on.
Got any tips for reaching your writing goals for Camp NaNoWriMo? Share them with us in the comments below!