It’s almost time for camp, guys! Are you ready? I’m a bundle of nerves as July nears. I haven’t yet finished the 55k word rewrites for another project I was supposed to be done with last week and I’m getting ready to start another 60k word project for camp starting July 1! Can anyone else relate?
I desperately need to make a survival kit to get through this. So that’s what I’m going to do now. If you’ve got any tips, add them in the comments below!
July 2019 Camp NaNoWriMo Survival Kit
1. Wrap little gifts to enjoy at different goal markers
My goal is to edit a 60,931 word novel and get it down to an even 60,000. I don’t think that’s too bad, right? But there are things I’ll definitely need to fix. Oh and I have 24 days to do this (I have a vacation in the middle of camp, unfortunately). That’s 2,539 words per day. Here’s how I’ll break this down:
- Week 1 Goal – Reach 15,234 words by Saturday, July 6
- Week 2 Goal – 22,851 words by Tuesday, July 9
- Week 3 Goal – 33,007 words by Thursday, July 18
- Week 4 Goal – 48,241 words by Friday, July 26
- Week 5 Goal – 60,000 words by Wednesday, July 31
For each of the goals I meet above I’ll unwrap a gift! Fun, right? This isn’t a new idea, I just haven’t ever done it before. What better way to try something new then for Camp NaNoWriMo? I’m so excited!
2. Before beginning daily sprint, write down 3 reasons you’re writing today
Need some extra daily motivation? On sticky note, write down 3 reasons you’re going to meet your writing goal today and stick them up on your monitor. I’ll being doing this to encourage me whenever I feel a writing lull coming on. And we know this happens! Or is it just me?
3. Pack up a snack bag and already have a plan for lunch/dinner
One of the things that keeps me from finishing a writing project is lack of planning. Especially where groceries are concerned. For this round of Camp NaNoWriMo I’m making it a mission to stock up once a week and plan out my meals so that I’m not wasting any time wondering “What am I going to eat?”
I hope to see all of you at camp this year! What will your camp survival kit look like?